Georgetown Elementary school in Michigan has a school blog that is very similar to a website but has so many more capabilities. A person can find any information on this blog. Every teacher in the school has a class blog and the links to that blog are on the schools blog. You can view the school calendar by week or month and view an agenda for the days selected. This school blog has comments from schools in Taiwan. This blog show immediate connections to schools all over the world. There is a section called Live Action Feed and it shows the locations people who have visited the blog. Foley, Alabama popped up in this section because I have been looking at this schools blog. I am very impressed and excited about the capabilities of blogs.
Fantastic Fun in Fine Arts is a fine art teacher's blog. It is very organized and easy to navigate. If I were a parent of one of this teacher's students I would be able to find plenty of information for her class. She has a calendar on her main page that would be very helpful to parents when they need to know deadlines, tests, play practice, parties, etc. This is a great resource for fine art students. They have all the information about play practice and deadlines for scripts. This seems to be a very effective and practical use of a blog. Unfortunately, there were no photos available on this blog.
Good Job.